Civil Service Commission


A.    Appointment of Members. The Civil Service Commission shall consist of three (3) members of the Municipality not holding other municipal office or appointment, to be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of Council, for terms of six (6) years, commencing upon the expiration of the respective terms of the present members of the Civil Service Commission. A vacancy occurring during the term of any member of the Civil Service Commission shall be filled for the unexpired term in the manner authorized for an original appointment.
The Commission shall designate one of its members as Chairman, and may appoint a Secretary, who need not be a member of the Commission and may hold other municipal office or appointment.
B.    Compensation. The members of the Civil Service Commission shall serve without compensation unless otherwise provided by ordinance. A sufficient sum shall be appropriated by the Council to carry out the civil service provisions of this Charter.
C.    Powers and Duties.
(a)    In all matters dealing with the Civil Service of the City, the Commission shall provide by rule for ascertainment of merit and fitness as a basis for appointment and promotion in the Classified Service of the municipality as required by the Constitution of the State of Ohio; for the basis and method for determination of eligibility, certification, appointment and promotion of candidates for positions in the Classified Service; for the conduct of the affairs of the Commission; and for appeals in case of transfer, reduction, suspension or removal.
(b)    The Commission shall keep a record of its proceedings and results of examinations which shall be open to public inspection, and shall have such other powers and duties as are given to Municipal Civil Service Commissions by the laws of the State of Ohio and not contrary to the provisions of this Charter. (Amended 11-7-89)
D.    Procedures. The Commission shall conduct its affairs in accordance with the provisions of the laws of the State of Ohio in all matters not otherwise provided for in this Charter.
E.    Classification of Service. The Civil Service of the Municipality is hereby divided into Unclassified and Classified Service.
The Unclassified Service shall include:
(a)    All officers elected by the people or persons to fill vacancies in such office.
(b)    All directors of departments, department heads, division heads, supervisors and foremen, including their assistants, except Chief of Police and Fire Chief.
(c)    The members of all boards and commissions appointed by the Mayor or the Council.
(d)    Clerk of Council.
(e)    Municipal clerks and secretaries.
(f)    All persons duly licensed to practice a profession by the State of Ohio and employed in such capacity.
(g)    All employees of the Building, Finance, Service and Recreation Departments
(h)    All unskilled labor, temporary, part-time, and volunteer employees.

The Classified Service shall include:
All other persons or positions not included in the Unclassified Service. Any person who shall have served the Municipality for at least one (1) year immediately prior to January 1, 1964, may be retained in the same or any similar position without examination. In the case of volunteer firemen part-time paid in the Fire Department of the Municipality, any fireman who has been continuously employed by the Municipality in such position since February 16, 1983, and is otherwise qualified, shall be eligible for full-time appointment to such position, when established, without written examination. When such list of eligible firemen is exhausted, thereafter all appointments to the Fire Department shall be made from the eligibility list provided by the Civil Service Commission. (Amended 11-2-93)
F.    Removal. The Mayor may at any time suspend any member of the Commission for inefficiency, neglect of duty, malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance in office, incapacity or incompetency, provided, however, that such suspension shall not become final without the concurrence of at least five (5) members of Council.

(Amended 11-6-79; 5-8-84)


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Citizen Member
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Recording Secretary
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Citizen Member
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Vice Chairperson
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Citizen Member
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Citizen Member
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Citizen Member
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Citizen Member
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